Putting Arizona First

We should absolutely look towards reducing foreign influence on our agriculture and housing. Prices are being driven out of control in part by predatory investors who aren’t from Arizona, robbing the American Dream from hardworking Arizonans and pushing out the next generation. Arizonan homes and farms should be prioritized for Arizonans.

Our veterans are among the most cherished members of our community who put their lives on the line for this country. VA services should be excellent and we should look to end veteran homelessness in Arizona.

Additionally, we should support our local law enforcement and attempt to address the hiring crisis. We should collaborate with law enforcement at the state, local, and federal level to address the fentanyl crisis and other individual issues facing Arizonans.

Healthcare costs are crippling many Arizonans. We should look to support policies that facilitate competition, expand the Right to Try, and increase transparency at every stage of the medical process. Arizonans shouldn’t be at risk of bankruptcy if a medical emergency hits.

Our immigration system is fundamentally broken and needs comprehensive reform at the federal level. None are more hurt by those who cross into this nation illegally than those who have undergone the legal process. We must have humanitarian methods of addressing the border crisis while investing resources into state-run border patrol operations and programs for legal immigration. Border policies which prove controversial should be sent to the people to decide on their ballot for a final say.

We should be funding our teachers and our classrooms, not the bureaucrats. We should not be giving millions of dollars to special interests when we could be funding our students most in need. Additionally, I am in favor of a plan to increase teacher pay without raising taxes by utilizing state land trust funds.

I believe in expanding access to school choice to Arizona’s families. Your zip code and income should not determine your educational outcome and I will work tirelessly to increase education funding for families who choose to engage with district public, charter, homeschool or private options.

Tragically, homelessness has been on the rise in our community. We must invest into resources for our unhoused community and ensure that there are options available for all types of homelessness. We must provide services in addition to housing programs instead of simply offering housing without services as we have in the past.

People deserve opportunities and chances to succeed in life, we should never give up on members of our community and should look towards serious reintegration efforts to heal our community and get people off the streets. More organizations should be accredited and funded to help Arizonans most in need.

Free speech is an essential right that has been under attack. Search engines should not be allowed to politically bias their algorithms for basic search and individuals should not be allowed to be censored for their views. The common liberty of our communities is enhanced when we remove roadblocks to freedom.

I stand against book banning and censorship of religious thought – regardless of which faith is expressing their religion. We must have policies which protect people’s free expression.

We must eliminate corruption at all levels of government and remove the incentives for further corruption. My Democratic opponent, Cesar Aguilar, sponsored a bill which have doubled the lobbyist gift limit (HB2364). Additionally, he flip-flopped his vote on the “Tamale Bill” (HB2509) when pressured by lobbyists. I will stand against obviously corrupt legislation and always strive to keep an ear to the people of our district.

Our budget should never be unbalanced. I will never sign off on an unbalanced state budget.

We must continue to push for common sense economic policies and encourage economic growth throughout Arizona. The cost of living has ballooned due to bad spending, inflationary policies, and price gouging. We should aim to address all of these alongside the rising cost of housing and healthcare.

Myself, Frank Roberts, and Vic Harris are the only candidates in this district endorsed by SB1131 sponsor Senator Warren Petersen which eliminates the rental tax from 2025 going forward. We are running as a team to lower your housing costs and cost of living.